The full form of PDF is Portable Document Format.It is one of the mostly used file format, To post information on Web.The secret behind the Love of webmasters to PDF is that, PDF documents can’t be modified or edited.So, they are sure about the safty of their works.i.e, Your work will be in the pure form as you created even if it is downloaded by anyone else – He can’t modify that one.
When you save your webpage also, there is a chance for modification if it is image, or sure chance if in HTML……! It means that you have to give security for yourdownloaded Pages also.The file size also will be more.So it would be better if you could download those in the PDF format, which is the common type and has no risks.But Normally, I haven’t seen an option yelling “download the page as PDF” in any browsers.You can use this converter named HTML-PDF Converter to download the pages in pdf format.You want to give the URL of the web page only.Then the Converter will convert the page to PDF and you can save it in your Computer.
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